Species of Lolimog
Jilphs (Closed species)
Candy Holves (Closed Species)
Nymphiel (Semi Open)
Misc Critters!
Chrim (Semi Open)
A bipedal/quadrupedal canine like creature. It being slightly inspired by werewolves, have very strange mating and gender rituals, and are more like anthropomorphic flowers! Fickle Fiend (Semi Open) A very large beast that ranges from 6ft- 8ft tall, can and will eat anything on sight. Known for eating lost puppies and children. Do not feed them.... Nuphx (CLOSED) Pronounced "Nuh-X" These critters are a lot like sphynxes. They are almost all knowing, and have very close DNA to The Nhim, the gods and creators of Lolimog. Nuphx have very thick built bodies, thick skin and usually scaley. Their bodies are all difference to one another, developing traits to the land around them. |